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Radio streaming Dengerin Musik Indonesia
After 89.6 FM I-Radio Jakarta aired for 5 Jahre, was born the next generation I-Radio in Bandung with frequency 105.1 FM. Is a radio station incorporated in I-Radio Network. I-Radio Bandung began airing on October 1, 2005, but was officially introduced to the public on March 28, 2006, which was made as the date of birth
After 89.6 FM I-Radio Jakarta aired for 5 Jahre, I-Radio generation was born in the city of Jogjakarta with a frequency of 88.7 FM. Previously, this frequency was filled by Radio MTVSky Jogja where I-Radio and MTVSky are actually “brothers”. Is a radio station incorporated in I-Radio Network. I-Radio Jogja began broadcasting on October 1, 2005,
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96.0 FM I-RADIO MAKASSAR ist ein kommerzielles Radio, das präsentiert 100% OFFICE INDONESIEN. Neben INFORMATIVE in Nachrichtenverbreitung, 96.0 FM I-RADIO MAKASSAR lädt auch seine Zuhörer INTERACTIVE in verschiedenen Themen und Quiz teilzunehmen, die mit einem Hauch von INTERMEZZO typischer I-Radio-verpackt. This is in accordance with the basic pillars of I-Radio that
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89.6 fm I-Radio is a radio that presents 100% Music Indonesia. From its 24 hours of broadcast I-Radio comes with quality domestic music from the early 90s era to the millennium era. The types of music we choose are songs that are, ever and will soon be hits from various streams, such as pop, pop rock, jazz,
90.1 FM I-RADIO BANJARMASIN adalah sebuah radio komersil yang menyajikan 100% musik INDONESIA. Selain INFORMATIF dalam penyampaian berita, 90.1 FM I-RADIO BANJARMASIN juga INTERAKTIF dengan selalu mengajak pendengarnya untuk turut serta dalam berbagai topik bahasan dan kuis yang dikemas dengan sedikit INTERMEZZO khas I-Radio. Hal ini dikarenakan I-Radio mempunyai pilar dasar 4 ich (Indonesien, Informativ,
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The most intimate and personal station for modern women This is a radio station directed to Indonesian women. Es wurde ins Leben gerufen in 2002 und basiert in Jakarta. Einige seiner wichtigsten Programme sind Breakfast Club, Fun Fearless Female, Musix Box und Happy Hour. 90.4 Cosmopolitan FM adalah radio yang ditujukan untuk perempuan
War 96,8 FM (Tamilisch: ஒலி 96.8FM) is an infotainment radio station in the Tamil Language owned by MediaCorp playing for the Indian community, offering the latest news, lifestyle features and Indian contemporary and classical hits, 24 Stunden pro Tag.