

レジーナさん #1 ヒットミュージックステーションZ99は、私たちのFacebookのページに投稿されたすべてのストーリー上の開かれた対話や議論を歓迎します. 私たちはしない, しかしながら, 偏見を容認, 差別や憎悪発言. Comments posted to our page with these sentiments will be deleted and repeat offenders will be banned. Thank you for your cooperation.

Z99の女王 続きを読む "


CJSW 90.9FM is Calgary’s community radio station, based at the University of Calgary. CJSW is a non-profit society maintained and operated by a group of seven staff members and over 200 volunteers drawn from both the University of Calgary student body and the wider city of Calgary population. CJSW broadcasts music, spoken word and multicultural programming on

CJSW 続きを読む "