UFM 100.3 FM

UFM 100.3 FM is one of the famous live online radio stations broadcasting from Singapore. UFM 100.3 FM plays popular music from popular artists of Singapore with various musical genres 24 hours live online.

Listeners can request the song via their website and DJ will get the request directly.

It is one of most popular radio stations in Singapore community. Besides its musical programs, this radio station also arranges many other programs occasionally.

UFM100.3 从早FUN到晚!
<UFM100.3 早班> DJ: 文鸿丽梅小猪 6:00AM – 10:00AM <生活可精彩> DJ: 克敏 10:00AM – 1:00ВЕЧЕРА <茶于饭后> DJ: 于玲 1:00ВЕЧЕРА – 4:00ВЕЧЕРА <下班Sing-a-Long> DJ: 欣盈 伟龙 4:00ВЕЧЕРА – 8:00ВЕЧЕРА <夜晚最有Feel> DJ: 承尧 8:00ВЕЧЕРА – 12:00AM 马上线上收听UFM100.3!

UFM100.3是报业控股华文媒体集团属下的中文音乐电台主要针对35岁至44 岁的听众群选播他们最喜欢最熟悉的U选的好歌为了紧跟听众的听歌品味UFM100.3每年都会进行《U选1000》音乐排行榜活动邀请听众投选出他们最喜欢的中文歌曲依据听众的票选来选播歌曲

