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RockCity FM is the first News, 访谈和娱乐 (NTE) 车站在尼日利亚,也是第一个独立电台在阿贝奥库塔和奥贡州一般. 坐落在城市的Asero区, 站在频谱中 101.9 在FM拨号. RockCity 101.9 FM is owned by BOOT COMMUNICATIONS LTD as duly licensed by the National Broadcasting Commission
Premier 93.5 FM is part of the FRCN, Africa’s largest Radio Network. We keep you informed, educated & entertained. That’s why we are your #DependableCompanion
Mission Lagelu FM is said to be designed to fill a huge vacuum in the industry and structured in a way to meet people’s wants as far as indigenous programmes are concerned. We understand the nature and uniqueness of Ibadan and beyond and that is the reason why we have decided to adopt our onerous