家园 106 调频
家园 106 FM广播本地和全国制作节目的多元化, 音乐和口头语言, 在高保真立体声. 无线电广播瓦当相信提供真正的音乐品种, 所以听众可以享受已知和未知的轨道的一个巨大的目录
Established well over a half-century ago as part of Radio Liberty broadcasting to the Soviet Union, the Tajik Service attracts a young, influential audience with its timely, locally focused reporting. The government’s renewed vigor controlling politics and media has lent further impetus to Radio Ozodi’s trusted coverage.
Radio Star Live provides twenty four hour mix of several genres and styles of music. The station plays all the music you love while striving to keep up with the desires of its listeners.