Ria 89.7FM是MediaCorp的音乐电台流行音乐/声乐/歌手/歌手创作者当代音乐电台,将马来语与印尼和马来西亚社区流行的音乐独特地融合在一起, 马来西亚和新加坡,以及阿拉伯的国际流行歌曲, 法文 & 韩国.

We welcome your feedback but do note our house rules governing posts on our social media platforms.

1. No personal or defamatory attacks on our staff or other Facebook users
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4. No derogatory comments on race, religion, gender, politics
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6. No spamming or flooding of posts
7. No posting of potentially libellous material
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9. No explicit or pornographic content

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As a last resort, the digital team may ban users, who persistently post objectionable content.

Comments and views left on our wall do not represent that of Mediacorp and its business subsidiaries.

We reserve the right to collate, curate, edit, repost and otherwise use any comments by users regarding Mediacorp, its business subsidiaries and any of its products.